
Monday, September 30, 2013

My Whole30 Summary (nearly 60 days later!)

Man, oh man, oh man...where do I even start?!?!

First of all...yes I am still blogging. I just don't have a whole lot going on in Washington that's
but I promise, I'm sure there will be a TON of blog posts to come since I return to Bahriain so SOON!

No offense Washington, I loved you, I really did.
But...I. Want. To. Go. Home.
Not to mention,  I miss my studly husband...A LOT.

I could write a whole post about it - but I don't want to make you throw up right now. Nope...this post is dedicated to my...


Seriously, I finished my first Whole30 about, hmmm...60 days ago! Oops, I'm a little late!
I meant to write my summary then, honestly. But I got kind of busy doing things like flying around the world, visiting family and friends, breathing humidity-free air, going to Whole Foods (aka heaven), and...eating Chick-Fil-A - eek! I know, I know, but WHO TURNS DOWN CHICK-FIL-A?!?!?! No one, that's who.

So that this isn't a long rambling post I'm going to ask myself questions and then answer them for you. I have gotten A LOT of questions about the program, tips, advice, here it is.

The Whole30 According to Kristina

1. What was the thing you LOVED the most about the Whole30?

Honestly, I LOVED the way I felt. Aside from the first 2 weeks where I felt like I had been run over by a semi...around day 14 I just started feeling awesome. Not only did I PHYSICALLY feel better, but my mental state was better. I was so proud, inspired, and happy with the choices we were making that I found myself just walking around with a smile. All. The. Time. It felt lighter, and not just from the weight and inches I was losing...I just stopped having that 'oh my gosh, I ate too much, I'm sooo miserable' feeling. You KNOW the one I'm talking about! I also just felt much more care free. I can't really explain it, except to say that I felt like I was out of a permanent food coma and had mental clarity and a general happiness that just felt so darn good. 

2. What was the thing you hated about the Whole30?

Okay, okay...there is always a downside. I know. What did I hate?! Well, honestly the thing that was the hardest was how difficult it was to socialize during the Whole30. If you know me, you know that I really like my social time. While Andrew goes to a quiet place to get energized, I have to find people to talk to. It's my thing. I love it. I need my people. Unfortunately being social and food often go hand in had. Frankly, I was just not strong enough to resist (or so I thought). So I was a hermit for 30 days. I went out to go grocery shopping and to work out...and that was pretty much it. It's not like I wanted to even go crazy and get cheesy fries or something - I just really wanted to be able to grab a salad and NOT freak out over hidden sugar or preservatives in the balsamic. So that was the hardest part for me.

Oh, and it was just kind of inconvenient at times. Like when I was exhausted and just wanted to grab something fast. Fast food and Whole30 REALLY don't go together there were a few nights that I just wanted to have something delivered or go out to eat, but we couldn't. It was TIME CONSUMING to say the least!

3. Okay, back to the positive...what are some of the changes you noticed?

Where to start.....
- I felt like I was literally melting away! I've never so quickly seen my body change and transform. One of these days I'll post my before and after, but I need a little more confidence first. All I can say is...WOW! I lost a lot of inches...even I was shocked! 
- My skin glowed! No, it wasn't just from the nonstop sweating in Bahrain...I felt like I was glowing from the inside out. Happy gut, happy skin. Happy me. 
-NO CRAVINGS!!!! This was the best and most awesome part for me. I am that girl that would always find myself nauseous when I "NEEDED" to eat. I would say, "I need to eat now or I'm going to be sick" I was craving food. THIS. STOPPED. How crazy is that? I would literally be going about my day and then think, 'Oh Crap! It's 3 and I haven't had lunch yet?!" I was so satisfied from my nutritious food that I just stopped "NEEDING" things. Like I used to THINK I did!
- I ate less, but was NEVER hungry!  This also blew my mind. I used to have a largish dish of a decently healthy meal, that usually also included potatoes or rice or it all, get seconds sometimes, feel disgustingly full, then an hour or so later be hungry again. NOW I could use a salad plate eat it, be FULL but not over-full (yes there is totally a difference). Instead of my stomach being in pain because there wasn't any more room, my body was just satisfied. It got all the nutrients it needed, it was happy, and we were done eating. To top it off, I never felt hungry! 
- NO MORE HANGRY!!! A few blog posts ago I introduced the term "HANGRY!" When you're dieting and hungry and angry because you can't eat what you're HANGRY! I LOVE that phrase, I think it's hilarious...but sadly I don't think I get to use it anymore. RIP Hangry...I'm so over you. I'm satisfied, and healthy, and happy. The complete opposite of how I've ever felt while trying to eat healthy. 
- SLEEP! I'm not sure why it happened, but I started sleeping better and deeper during the Whole30. I would get extremely tired in the evenings and just WANT to go to bed. I fell asleep quickly and only woke up when a certain little baby wanted to eat in the middle of the night! It was glorious. Sleep took on a whole new meaning to me. 
- I'm sure there are a lot of other things, but this is what I can remember right now. Like I said, it's been a while....If I think of anything else I'll let you know!

4. Tell us what we all want to know...THE STATS!!! Did you lose weight?!

DID I EVER!!!! I KNOW it's not about the weight. The Whole30 is about becoming more healthy, kicking bad food cravings, and teaching yourself how to fuel your body with good nutritious food. But who are we kidding? Who doesn't want to also loose a little weight and maybe some inches?!?

I was honestly SHOCKED by my results. I had decided that I wasn't going to weigh myself on day 31 because I didn't want the disappointment and backlash I would feel if I hadn't lost as much weight as I was hoping I had. (I could get into a big discussion about my unhealthy relationship with the scale...but I'll spare you). With that decision in mind I went to Davis's 6 month appointment on day 30. Well, as my luck would have it their infant scale was broken so they made me get on the scale holding Davis and then get on without him. I KNEW it was a good sign when I stepped on the scale WITH Davis and was already less than I had weighed before my Whole30! I was STOKED to see that I had lost 21 POUNDS!!!!! Insane...I know! 21 pounds in 30 days. NO wonder I felt amazing. 

I also lost a lot of inches....
Waist: 4 inches
Hips: 6 inches (yes...half a foot. Off of my hips...Andrew was sad, but he's coping)
Bust: 2 inches
Thighs: 2 inches 

Ummm...NOT BAD! This was reason enough for me to keep going. Plus I felt so amazing!

5. Will you do it again?!

YES! In fact I did do it again! After being home for 2 weeks I realized how crappy I was feeling. I wasn't eating horribly but a cheat here and there was adding up. So I started my second Whole30 round. I knew that this time I probably wasn't going to make it to the 30 day mark, but for me this second round WAS about losing more weight and just feeling good from the positive choices. I think I hit day 21 before there was an event that I had some non compliant food at. I knew this was going to be the case. (and you know those 21 days I lost another 10 pounds!)

I plan on doing a STRICT Whole30 again as soon as I get back to Bahrain. Then I plan to lead a group of people in kicking off the new year with a Whole30 in January! 

6. What's your biggest tip?!

Hmmm...that's a hard one. (Ha...that's what she said!) I guess it would be to use your time wisely! I spent a good chunk of time meal planning, grocery shopping, and prepping. This will consume A LOT of your life during the Whole30. Embrace it and plan for it. If you do these things well the rest of your Whole30 will be a BREEZE! 

Honestly, if I had been in the United States for our Whole30 I think it would have been SO MUCH EASIER! I would have just ransacked Whole Foods or Trader Joes. Or gone to a local farm for fresh eggs and veggies! Seriously, that would have been amazing. BUT I as in BAHRAIN! The Middle East doesn't have much to offer on food co-ops, and health food stores. The spice selection was pretty much the only thing that rocked our Whole30. But hey, if I can do it from Bahrain, then you can most definitely do it in the States. 

(Note...I went CRAY CRAY when I got to the States! I was so excited to be able to buy the things that other Whole30 bloggers talked about that I couldn't get, that Andrew informed me that I spent like $50/day at grocery stores for the first few weeks. It was TOTES CRACKERS. But I loved it, I indulged...and now I don't get those luxuries again until July 2014. So have fun at your Whole Foods and Trader Joes. Brats.)

7. Do you have any tips for life AFTER the Whole30?!

Honestly, I wish I had better advice here. I really do. I am trying to figure this out myself. It's been extra hard for me because I went from isolating myself and doing the Whole30 in Bahrain to being back in the States where I want to enjoy my favorite places and be social with my favorite people. 

I spent the first 2 weeks after the Whole30 eating 80% clean. There was Chick-Fil-A, some pizza, and ice cream involved as well. But you know what...I FELT LIKE CRAP after eating them. Just disgusting, bloated, unhappy, and gross. So 2 weeks after arriving, I hit it hard again (my kind of 2nd round of Whole30) and it felt AMAZING to be feeding my body so nutritiously again. 

Right now though....right now I am "indulging" here an there as my trip to the States winds down. I STILL feel like crap every time that I'm finished...but when you aren't going to be at the State Fair again for 3-4 years then sometimes a girl needs a scone, and a caramel apple. It's hard. It really is, but I am trying to find that balance for myself. This is my honest take on it. If I were happy with my weight, etc. I would probably eat Whole30 clean 6 days a week. Have one day where you indulge in a meal or a treat or something. Hit it hard during the week, but cut yourself some slack during the weekends. 

One important thing to point out is that what an "indulgence" is to me NOW is what "every day eating" was to me before the Whole30. It's truly changed the way I view food. 

When I get back to real life in Bahrain my plan is to hit it pretty hard. Go a Whole30 round and keep going as long as I can. Once I reach my goal, which by the way, is not defined by a number on a scale, I will ease back a little bit. I'll know when I get there!

8. What are your favorite resources? (I know this is what you've been sticking around for)

WEBSITES: - obviously - awesome food and she documented her own Whole30! - AMAZING Whole30 food! YUMMY! - hilarious blog, I love her - if you only go to 1 website go to the first one...then GO HERE! This links to hundreds of Whole30 recipes! It will even prepare your grocery shopping lists for you once you choose your meals! Genius website! - wonderful website with great, educational articles! - another great website with yummy recipes and great articles!

The Whole30 Timeline 2.0: I visited this timeline every day! Find out WHY you are feeling the way you do!
The Whole30 Daily Emails: Best $15 I've spent in a LONG time! You'll get an email from the Whole9Life crew every day. Filled with recipes, encouragement, fun facts, etc. I looked forward to these DAILY!!!

Coconut Oil
Coconut Aminos: A must have! This is a soy sauce substitute....and so much better for you! LOVE this!
Lara Bars: While it's not encouraged to eat these often, they were great for us to have in case of emergency! They are only made from whole natural ingredients. My new obsession is making them at home!
Ghee: I made my own from THIS recipe. Delicious flavor...and great to use in your cooking!

Bacon Onion Balsamic Jam Burgers - obviously no bun. BF said it was the best burger she's ever had!
The BEST Chicken You Will Ever Eat Ever - no joke, it was! The Moroccan dipping sauce was to die for!
Mexican Cottage Pie - makes great leftovers too!
Paleo Salisbury Steak - this has been a favorite of ours for a long time!

There are even more than this. But these were our favorites. With SO MANY resources online you can easily cook a new recipe EVERY night. We always made extra dinner and then used leftovers for lunch the next day or had 1 or 2 nights during the week where we ate leftovers. Man, I love leftover night! Spend some time exploring all of these websites and you'll be sure to find a ton of other recipes too!

If you've stuck around this are a ROCKSTAR! I apologize for the LONG post - but there is just so much to say about how amazing the Whole30 is. I honestly believe that everyone needs to try this at least once in their life. The results will amaze you. 

I am inspired by how many of my friends are now trying their first Whole30. Earlier today I counted up about 15, then I posted something about it on Facebook and was told by 5 MORE FRIENDS that I inspired them to do the Whole30. That's a whole lot of healthy eating going on! I'm just so excited to be able to encourage anyone that is interested! Please let me know if you have ANY additional questions and I can add them along with my response!

Someday...someday...I'll post a picture. I just have to keep working on my own self-confidence. We'll see my friends....we'll see. 

and That's 'Watts' She Said...

Sunday, September 1, 2013


No, no, no....I'm not talking about carrying around a snack in my bag or something obvious like that.

I am simply referring to Miley Cyrus and her VMA performance this week. 
You KNOW  what I'm talking about...

If you didn't see it, let me just say it was...


Still confused?!

Let me explain...

Two months ago I was perusing some Bahraini celebrity gossip magazines for fun. On the cover of one of them was a picture of Miley Cyrus and the title, 
"Totes Crackers"

I was super confused at first - like they were accusing her of carrying around some saltines or Ritz or something. Then I realized that it was just Bahrain's version of using American Slang. 

Totes = Totally
Crackers = Crazy/Insane

Totally Crazy/Insane = Totes Crackers


So...there you have it folks. Bahraini gossip magazines nailed this one months ago. She is "Totes Crackers" and NOW I have my new favorite slang. Along with Cray Cray of course. As for as I'm concerned the two are totally interchangeable. 

The whole Syria debacle: Cray Cray
How hot it is in Bahrain right now: Totes Crackers
The people I saw in WalMart today: Cray Cray
My mother without her hormones: Totes Crackers 
(love you Mom!)

See they both work for pretty much anything

And if I can add my two cents now...I have a PRETTY high threshold for what I consider "inappropriate" or "scandalous"and it takes a lot to offend me....but while watching her VMA performance I was totally embarrassed and uncomfortable.

 I would NOT want my young children to watch that - heck I didn't even want my Mom to watch it! I fast forwarded parts of it - and THAT'S saying A LOT. More than anything I was just sad for her. Sad that she felt she had to perform that way - and sad that no one else really stood up and told her that it was too far over the edge. BUT, I suppose that if her goal was to get some buzz...she's accomplished it. Everyone is talking about it...

I'm sure you've read some reviews written by much better and eloquent bloggers like this one:
or my personal favorite since I have 2 sons:
or if you are a music person:, then this one is good:

Since I can't write as wonderfully as that. I'll just sum it up as my Bahraini peeps do and say, 

"Miley....that was TOTES CRACKERS!"

and That's 'Watts' She Said...
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