
About Me

If you are on the blog then you probably know me...if not here's the basics. 

My name is Kristina, I'm just your average mom and Navy wife trying to make the best out of every situation  that Uncle Sam puts us in. I'm new to the Navy life as we recently got married last September, so I'm still adjusting to the craziness. Jokes aside, I love it. I love our friends and adventures and knowing that my husband is doing something truly great.

This life isn't easy, but I'm learning to just go with the flow and laugh about it. 

ie: What? Orders to Bahrain when I'm due to have our baby in 2 days?! Oh and you want us there in 8 weeks. No problem! Oh, and 3 days after we arrive my husband has to leave for 2 weeks. Sounds great!

I love my family. I love Washington State. I love my friends. I love to CrossFit. I love good food (which is why I need to CrossFit a lot). I love my Indonesian heritage. I love our little life we are building. 

I hope you enjoy the blog. No judgement on grammar allowed. I don't have time to go back and edit. Heck...I don't have time for much of anything. 3 days ago I painted the fingernails on my left hand, then the baby woke right hand is still unpainted. I'm starting a trend. 

(Oh..and if you're wondering about the blog name go HERE)

 Our Family. Drug Free Childbirth. Hell yeah!

 Our wedding day. Davis is the bump under my dress. Caden bringing me our groom.

Our Bridal Party. My sisters. I love them. 

I love this picture. I think it sums it up. 

The most important little boys in my life. 
Love. Love. Love.

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