
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Whole30....Take 2

Remember that crazy 30 days of super clean eating I did in July?

The Whole30 Challenge


I felt so awesome after July that I can't think of a better way to start off the year. (Remember THIS blog post? It's only my most read post EVER! Well that sums up WHY I would want to do this again.)

This time I'm leading most of the members of Nomad Fitness and some other friends through it as well!

Misery loves company, right?

This kind of sums up Week 1....

Not like we don't get enough of each other already...all of my friends are already here pretty much every day to workout - and well, now we eat dinner together every night too. 

Some say I've started a CULT....

Hmmm...a cult - I mean we just work out together, live next to each other, celebrate holidays together, see each other every day, and now we are sticking to the same crazy food challenge for 30 days, and eating dinner together every night. 


Cultish? Maybe - I'll let you be the judge. 

But hey - I could think of worse things to build a cult around than CLEAN EATING and WORKING OUT! 

You just wish you were a part of my cult too. Admit it.

In all seriousness though. We did the July Whole30 HORRIBLY WRONG.
We did it all alone, which kind of isolated us from hanging out with friends and being social.

This time though....THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT!

One of my friends suggested we start a Whole30 Supper Club to help us get through the 30 days.


5 nights a week we go to someone else's house to eat dinner.
1 night a week you host dinner for the group.
1 night a week you're on your own.

One of my biggest complaints about the Whole30 was all of the cooking. Cooking, cooking, cooking...followed by cleaning, cleaning, never ended.

Well, let me tell you - this is SO MUCH EASIER. 5 nights people...5 nights a week I get to walk right down the street, or drive a whole 2 minutes, to a friends house and get treated to a delicious Whole30 approved meal. No prepping, no cooking, no cleaning. AMAZEBALLS.

We are either going to LOVE or HATE each other in 26 more days.

We are 4 days down and I would say we are closer than ever. Especially after last night's episode of someone almost choking to death on a piece of steak.

No joke. That happened.

We are willing to give our LIVES for the Whole30.

So yeah...about that whole cult thing...hmmm, I guess now it's starting to sound suspicious, even to me.

Okay, but for real, I'm sure you want to know what happened. Well, I noticed one of our friends was seriously choking, through everyone else was too busy enjoying their flank steak and chimichurri sauce to notice.

After calling attention to it I told Andrew to give him the Heimlick maneuver. Andrew gave it a few no avail. It just wasn't working and time was ticking away.

So this is where I REALLY show my absolute confidence in my husband.

I said, "Move over, let Brian do it!"

Brian is one of my strongest best CrossFitters. So of course I was all, GET OUT OF THE WAY YOU WEAKLING...let a CROSSFITTER finish this job and save this man's life!

(I didn't really say that - but I definitely implied that)

(Oh and I'm just kidding Andrew. I think you are strong and sexy as hell - especially when you do things like open the jars I can't open, empty the dishwasher, or get up at 2AM with the baby so I can sleep because I have to coach at 5AM. Sexiest husband EVER)

My husband is a stud.

One of my CrossFitters saw Andrew in his underwear today at 5AM. She was on the porch busting her ass doing the WOD and said, "I just saw Andrew in his underewear."

Nothing breaks your concentration like seeing a real live Sasquatch or Sasq'watts' in his underwear...

I'm pretty sure Andrew was oblivious to all of this....

I said, "Oh sexy beast husband? Lucky you."

Her reply, "Well he was making a bottle for that's pretty sexy."

Me: "Yes, yes it is"

Taking care of a crying baby so I can work does wonders for Andrew....wonders I tell ya.

Alright enough about my husband.

If you want to join this Whole30 Challenge drop me a note. Day 4 and I'm feeling AWESOME!

If you want to join my "cult"....drop me a line because there aint no other cult as awesome as mine!

and That's 'Watts' She Said....


  1. I'm doing it again too, thanks for the coconut chicken finger love! I appreciate it!

  2. Hello! I found your blog while searching for "Whole30 Bahrain". I don't know a lot of people who have done the Whole30 but i'm currently on day 2. It sounds much simpler than I thought because I'm lebanese and our typical food is meats and vegetables so i can't seem to see the difficulty in it besides the bread/legumes/grains elimination. I wanted to ask you a few questions if you don't mind or if you know of a Whole30 group in bahrain?


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