
Monday, August 5, 2013

I Dare You...


Go ahead...try. 

Watch this adorable video and don't you dare laugh or smile....

I'm pretty sure it's impossible. 

Andrew doesn't think I'm funny at all - BUT Davis thinks I'm HILARIOUS!

Davis thinks I'm funny all the time. Not just when I have the hiccups - actually, he laughs at pretty inappropriate times. Like....when I'm scolding Caden, or when I drop something, or when I'm trying to be serious....that cracks him up....that and hiccups. Hiccups seem to make him laugh harder than anything ever in the world.

Such a far cry from our serious baby. The first two months of his life, all he did was Mean Mug people.

Like this.

I kind of miss that grumpy face. It was so cute.

Anyways, now he is happy and laughy....and thinks everything is SO FUNNY. He especially thought I was funny today as I was dripping in sweat trying to mail stuff at the post office on base. He was being super cranky in his carseat, so of course I ended up holding him with my left arm while I tried to fill out 3 customs slips with my he's trying with all of his might to grab them and stuff them in his mouth...while his OTHER hand is firmly embedded in my hair pulling on it like there's no tomorrow. 

I was SERIOUSLY struggling and frenzied. AND of course - while he is raining terror on my attempts at getting gifts in the mail he is smiling so sweetly and cooing at the people around us. So while I am schlepping around the post office with a baby hanging from my hair (that's what it felt like) they are all, "Oh...he's SOOO cute." and talking and laughing with him. Clearly they couldn't see past the cute baby to the mommy that was trying to do with one hand what even a normal person would need 5 for. I mean, he IS cute...but in that moment all I cared about was not losing my mind.

I'm sure you moms know what I'm talking about - and really it's not that bad to have to juggle a baby, boxes, and paper - but for some reason when you are also burning up from the heat and humidity - with hair that looks like you stuck your finger in the light socket - and clothes that are sticking to you, and sweat dripping off of your face and down your crack....IT. IS. SO. MUCH. WORSE. 

Oh...and did I mention that I was STILL wearing long sleeves as well since it's Ramadan> Insanity. It's like a million degrees out. 

BUT....we survived. We always do. AND we have the cutest video of D ever. So that makes everything okay. Cute pictures and videos ALWAYS make it better.

...and That's 'Watts' She Said

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