
Thursday, August 1, 2013


This little one is growing up WAYYYY too fast. I feel like every day he is discovering something new and exciting.

New things in the land of Davis:

1. Shoes: he wears the cutest pair of Pedipeds, and this makes him look so much older. It also accentuates how freakishly big his feet are.

2. Talking/babbling. This kid may not look like his Mommy, but man oh man does he talk like his Mommy. (aka A LOT!) Andrew is currently pouting about this. The joke is that both of my boys look nothing like me BUT, they act like me. Talkative, smiley, sensitive, and a little tiny bit dramatic. Poor Andrew. 

3. Food!!!

He wants food SOOO badly. He can't even contain himself. However, when I tried to give him some mashed up food, he spit it right out. He goes wild reaching for it and pulling it into his mouth, but then he hates it. Silly boy. We have been giving him fruit in one of those awesome mesh baby teething contraptions and he LOVES it!!! Tonight there were frozen blueberries in it, and after dropping it, he shoved his bib in his mouth and tried to get berry juice out of that. Hilarious to watch. Poor kid, we laugh at him a lot.

4. Rolling. He rolls like a boss. 

5. Playing. Tonight we were entertained by a lively game of 'Where's Brother?' Caden would hide and D would look all over the room for him, then C would jump out. D laughed, we laughed, it was awesome. UNTIL this genius decided it would be funny if Mommy, Daddy, and Caden all hid and jumped out. Yeah....he didn't like that. At.All. There were a lot of tears. So... We won't be playing that version any time soon.

6. Sleeping almost through the night. Almost.

7. Feet. He is pretty much always grabbing his feet and trying to get them in his mouth.

8. Kisses. He loves to give big slobbery wet kisses. I'm his favorite to kiss, followed closely by his big brother. He kisses Andrew sometimes, then he makes a face once he gets a mouth full of hair. 

Kissing fool.

9. New ways to play with old toys.
This is his new foot rest 

10. Brother Love. He loves all things related to his brother. Melts my heart.

That's about it. These things may seem silly, but around here it is big stuff!!!

And yes...we are still going strong on the Whole30, today is day 23!!! I feel great and am pretty sure either I'm shrinking or my clothes are growing. I'll do a recipe roundup post soon. We are still eating super delicious food every day....wish I could share it with all of you. But I can't, it would cost me more than the arm and the leg it's already costing me.

Still working on the Internet problem. AND a minor electricity problem too. See we are super lucky to have a washer AND a dryer...BUT if we run them at the same time we blow a fuse. Totally defeats the purpose. To top that off, a few days ago we woke up to the lovely surprise of our water jug being completely empty. Where was the water? 

All over our floor! 

Apparently, when the power in your kitchen blows, the water cooler stops "stopping" the water from flowing out, and just lets it run all over the floor. Heh...kind of like how my bladder stopped working after I had Davis. Yep...I had an issue with jumping rope again yesterday. Thank goodness this was only water and our floors are marble. 

and That's 'Watts' She Said....

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