
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

17 days done!!!

So, today was day 17 of our first Whole30. 

17 days!!!! 

That's more than halfway. I'm proud to report that we are doing really well still. Minus the fact that Andrew tried to undo it all tonight by putting rice vinegar in our stir fry....rice vinegar with SUGAR as one of the ingredients.

 I about lost it.

AFTER eating a whole plate of stir fry vegetables over cauliflower rice I complimented Andrew on how delicious it was and asked him what else he put in the veggies. When the last ingredient he listed was Rice Vinegar I freaked.

Don't worry - we are still good. We don't have to start over. I quickly pulled up the Whole30 Forum and asked if it was all over for us - and luckily the response was that it was ok, we just can't let it happen again. Thank God.

 I think starting over would warrant a total breakdown and a good hard cry. Not just any cry...the ugly cry. You know what I'm talking about! Face scrunched up, snot, tears, the whole shebang. I definitely would have ugly cried over this. 

Aside from the rice vinegar disaster we have been showing the Whole30 who's boss. I know I've been slacking on posting but I feel like my evenings (aka blogging time) are totally consumed with cooking, cleaning, or prepping for the next day. Not to mention our awesome Internet issues...yes, I am once again writing this blog on my phone, with my thumbs. Awesome.

So, what have we been eating the past few days? Just assume that breakfast is always eggs of some sort and veggies and bacon, maybe a piece of fruit. Lunch is either leftovers or salad with leftovers. Thrilling, I know.

 So here's the exciting part- our dinners!

We've made the following (and by 'we' I really mean 'I') 

The BEST Pot Roast EVER
This is Andrew's most favorite meal in the world. I stole the recipe from my amazing chef sister and I'm 99% sure that she was inspired by the Pioneer Woman. If you don't know her - go to her blog. She's amazing. Anyways, this Pot Roast is simple and delicious. PLUS, it makes a lot of leftovers!
This dish was surprising delicious. Andrew found this recipe online at It was sweet and savory and really fun. The grilled pineapple was my favorite part.
Aside from the fact that I TOTALLY overcooked the chicken this was a really yummy and fun meal. I can see us making the Coconut Chicken fingers all of the time. The fries had a definite kick - and though I still haven't mastered how to get crispy sweet potato fries WITHOUT frying them, these were knock your socks off good! Plus, these also made great leftovers. After some of my WODS this week I just grabbed a chicken finger and some veggies for a quick meal!
Moracan Dipping Sauce
This is no joke - it really truly is the BEST CHICKEN YOU WILL EVER EAT EVER! It was delicious. And that dipping sauce, so simple, yet it added such a great kick to our chicken and the roasted veggies we made to go with it. This is for sure going in our permanent rotation. DELICIOUS. If you try ONE recipe from this post - try this one. 
And....the worst meatballs in the history of mankind with delicious stir fry vegetables (minus the evil rice vinegar!)
I'm not even going to post the link to this one. This was our first FAIL. I'm not sure what happened, Andrew and I both made these together tonight and it just WAS NOT GOOD. Yuck. I'm thinking the coconut flour in the meat mixture is what threw it off.  I threw mine away. It was a shame too, we both really wanted some fantastic leftovers. 

Wow... after the food rundown I am just now realizing that it has been a long time since my last post!

I guess time flies when you are having fun and sweating your butt off wearing long sleeves during Ramadan!

Oh, and I can't go further without a cute picture. So here you go. 

Honestly - the most exciting thing that's going on around here is that Andrew and I have been working out together every day this week. It's a WIN-WIN. We are getting more fit, spending quality time together, and I get to see him more often since we do it during the day. So I guess that's a WIN-WIN-WIN. He takes a break from work to come workout with me for about an hour. The boys have spots at the Childcare Center on base for a drop-off hourly basis and they both LOVE it. Everyone is happy. 

So what workouts have we been doing? Well, I CrossFit and Andrew swims - so we've compromised by creating CrossFit SWIM workouts. While I coach Andrew on squats and form he has been coaching me on becoming a better stronger swimmer. I love it. Andrew has been programming and he's been kicking our butts. It's so phenomenal!  PLUS, the training tank where we swim, is outdoors, so we are getting some sun at the same time. Luckily this pool is cooled down - it isn't the HOT TUB temperatures of our canal. 

What do our WODS look like?! I'm so glad you asked. Here is what we did on our first day

WARMUP: Swim 200 meters, 20 squats, 20 push ups, review Freestyle form
Swim 200 meters
30 pool muscle ups. (at edge of pool in deep end, hold onto the edge of pool, push yourself down into water so your arms are straight, propel yourself up like you are climbing out of the pool) these were awesomely brutal!
Swim 200 meters
30 tricep dips using the diving blocks
Swim 200 meters
30 push ups
Swim 200 meters
30 squats
Swim 200 meters
3-30 second plank holds
Swim 200 meters
COOLDOWN: Swim 200 meters and stretch

These are so much fun! It's such a great way to beat the heat but still be outdoors enjoying your workout. Our goal is to do this 3-5 times a week...and to be able to hop in and swim a few miles like it's no big deal. BUT...that's going to take awhile. 

I know this isn't very thrilling or exciting, but this is what our life is lately. Eating good clean quality food, and working out, AND taking care of the boys obviously. We are exhausted by the end of the day. 

To make this post better - here are more pics of the adorable boys.!

So, what do you think? Do you have any recipe or swimming WOD ideas?!

I can use all the help I can get!

and That's 'Watts' She Said...

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