
Friday, July 12, 2013

Whole 30 Day 5 - Kill All The Things

So when I read on the Whole 30 "What to Expect" timeline I kind of laughed about the Days 4-5, "Kill All The Things" description. "Every nerve is lit, temperance is non-existent and the only solution to the problem seems to be to Kill All of the Things." that I've lived through Day 5. 


I was fine on Day 4 and I was fine for most of Day 5. All was good until early on in the day, until around 4:30 when I just lost it. My poor husband, pretty sure he took the brunt of this one. How dare he offer to clean the kitchen for me and not do it fast enough?! The nerve. 

Though, seriously at the time - I was PISSED. How is it that men can always find the most convenient time to camp out in the loo? Clean up time, put the kids to bed time, I need help because both kids are crying time. Always.

This morning I asked Caden where Andrew was. His response, "Where he always is."

I'll give you one guess. 

I remember my Dad and brother doing this when I was growing up too. It's like their PLACE or something. I think it's genetic. It's hardwired into their DNA. 


Caden does the same thing. He even calls to me and asks me to come sit with him and chat. thank you. 

Sorry, I'm over my potty-related rant. It just BLOWS MY MIND. Anyone else have this problem!? 

Before I had to start killing all the things this afternoon we had a ton of fun today. Caden won this cool bow and arrows set at the arcade yesterday. Pretty sure we spent a few hours playing with it today. 

I love his "concentration" face. He was honestly pretty good. We drew a target on the sliding glass door. 

Entertainment. For. Hours.

Caden was awesome. Maybe we should get him some real lessons!

I have much much more to write. But I am still SO EXHAUSTED. I can barely bring myself to type this up - another awesome side effect of the Whole 30. My body is so confused right now. 

Before I forget what we ate today, here's our menu. Today was a great day for food - yum yum yum!
Day 5
Breakfast:  Andrew's Famous Eggs and Bacon
Andrew always makes the best eggs. This mix was eggs, avocado salsa from last night, some sausage, and I can't remember what else. They were great. Plus bacon. Everything is good with bacon. 

Lunch: Chicken Fajita Salad 

I threw this together with stuff we had in the fridge. The avocado salsa leftover from last night was so good, we had to find more uses for it. This lunch was fast, and scrumptious. 

Dinner: Carnitas Stuffed Sweet Potato with Avocado Aioli and Coleslaw With a Kick

I found this recipe on Everyday Paleo and once again we were not disappointed. It was definitely time consuming, but oh so worth it! I put the carnitas on this morning, but I still felt like it took forever to pull together. 

For my Whole 30 friends that don't have a lot of time, I would say to make the carnitas and the sweet potato and do whatever else you have time for. The beauty of this recipe is that we have a ton of delicious pork leftover! Win. Win. 

Andrew decided this was our best "main dish" yet and Caden declared that I am "the best chef ever!" So I would say it's a keeper. 

Though seriously people - I eat, sleep, and breathe cooking right now. 

Literally. All I dreamt about last night as food. Brownies, mashed potatoes, bread and butter, wine....I kept dreaming that I was forgetting about the Whole 30 until I took a bite of the forbidden food. I hope I avoid those dreams tonight. I am craving hard core!

Here's what today's schedule of cooking looked like:
Wake up
Cook breakfast
Eat breakfast
Clean up breakfast
Prep Dinner and get in crockpot
Clean up mess from dinner prep
Sit down on couch and have Andrew ask me what lunch is
Get up and make lunch
Eat lunch
Clean up lunch
*insert few hour break here where we left the house*
Prep dinner
Cook dinner
Eat dinner
Clean up from dinner
Plan Tomorrow's food

This is getting CRAZY! BUT, the food we are eating is wonderful. Day 5, done. Day 6 here we come. I hope I don't kill anyone. 

And one more picture for the road...

and That's 'Watts' She Said...

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