
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Let's Get Ready Toooo....RAMADAN!!!!

Okay, that's as catchy of a title as I could come up with. I'm really trying to force my excitement about the start of Ramadan today. So far, it's not working. 

What is Ramadan you ask? Well...according to trusty Wikipedia:
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. In this month Muslims observe a time of fasting and is considered to be one of the five Pillars of Islam. The only people that don't have to fast are the ill, diabetic, travelling, pregnant or those with menstrual bleeding. The fasting lasts from sun rise to sun set and during this time they have to refrain from food, liquids (even water), smoking and sexual relations. Supposedly the rewards of fasting during Ramadan are multiplied.

What does that mean for us you ask? Well since we are here with the Navy, it is ordered by the head hauncho that we have to observe their customs and rules during Ramadan to show our respect to our hosts. I get it, I do. It's just interesting, I'll leave it at that. 

Not only are we clean eating for the next 30 days with the Whole 30, but now we are also NOT ALLOWED to eat, drink, or even chew gum in public during daylight. This includes our front porch or in our car. As soon as we step out of the house we have to follow the rules. Oh, and when we DO dare to step out in this intense heat we have to be VERY modestly dressed. I'm talking skirts or pants well below the knee; your knee cannot show when you sit down, and your shirts must go past your elbow. 

SO, imagine this with me. HEAT, I'm talking extreme heat our low is like 90 degrees and the high is near 110, oh and did I mention the HUMIDITY, it feels wet add in being fully covered. That in itself spells misery. Okay, now add in the fact that when you are parched or starving because it's so f'ing hot out and you are sweating your butt off in your full length pants and shirts it's just too damn can't do ANYTHING about it. 

Restaurants are closed, shops and malls have crazy hours. Open from 10-4 and then again from 8PM-1AM. Obviously they have to close at sunset so everyone can go eat something. I mean...they must reach a whole new level of HANGRY!!!

How serious is this? Right, I mean what's going to happen if I'm seen in a tank top eating a pork sausage in the middle of the day? Maybe nothing, but also maybe I can get thrown in jail for a year. 

This was a message from the local police's Facebook page. (because you know, everything is on Facebook!)

"POLICE will be on high alert from tomorrow to ensure people do not breach a ban on eating, drinking or smoking in public during the fasting hours of Ramadan. Patrols will be stepped up across the country to catch violators, who could be jailed for up to a year or fined BD100."

So...wish us luck!

We are definitely going to need it. We tried to go on a Family Walk after dinner tonight. 

HA! That was a JOKE!

First of all, my sweet husband is so sore from yesterday's CrossFit WOD that he could barely walk Second of all, IT. IS. HOT!!!!! My long sleeved shirt was drenched in sweat after about 3 minutes. Caden even said, " have sweat running down your face" Ummm...yeah, no kidding? It was painful and not nearly the fun I imagined. So Note To Self: No more walks outside until this Fall. 

Pretty much we are all around miserable today. Day 2 of the Whole 30 and WE ARE FEELING IT! I am extremely exhausted and the pounding in my head is out of this world. I am definitely going through some sugar withdrawals. It sucks. Big Time. Yep, I'm ready to start feeling good, but supposedly that won't happen for a while longer. 

Here's our daily roundup!

Whole 30 Day 2

Breakfast:  Mexican Frittata. I used our leftover meat from last night, sauteed up some onions and mushrooms and spinach. Mixed the meat, saute mixture, and 6 eggs together, poured it in a cake pan and baked it. Delicious!

Lunch: Grilled chicken and avocado salad with balsamic vinegar and a little olive oil as dressing. Delicious!

Dinner:  Bruschetta Chicken with Zuchinni "Pasta", recipe from Everyday Paleo. 

I would love to elaborate on Ramadan and such, but honestly, my eyes are closing on their own right now. 

Good night all - and please enjoy those tank tops and shorts....and sitting out in the sun eating...and drinking water. 

I'm jealous. 
AND...this is why we will be spending Ramadan 2014 in the good 'ole USA!!!

and That's 'Watts' She Said....

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