
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Daddy's Clone...

Okay, ignore the fact that Caden looks drunk in this picture. 

Seriously - I took this and thought....HOLY CRAP. 

That boy looks EXACTLY like his Daddy. 

D has always given us the best faces. He came out scowling and glaring at all of us. 
But this face...


I'm pretty sure this is the EXACT face his Daddy gives me all the freakin' time. 

I can't get over it. It kind of creeps me out. 

Little Andrew clone...hairy back and all. (Probably TMI, but if you know Andrew then YOU KNOW what I'm talking about)

(Meme brought to you by Andrew's friend from the Academy, Josh)

Poor hairy baby. 

And THIS is the picture I was hoping to get. No disapproving Daddy face from D in this one. Just his little tongue, which he is constantly sticking out lately. 

How can you not love these two? 

Caden is such a little ham! He has the best smiles, and he does the head tilt and all. 

FYI: Head Tilt: how to tilt your head just so to make your face look leaner and get rid of a double chin when posing for pictures. I have mastered this (for the most part)

It works like a charm.
Learn it, practice it in a mirror. I promise you won't regret it. 

and That's 'Watts' She Said...

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