
Friday, June 28, 2013

Can You Handle It?!?

So, yesterday I spent about an hour typing out a post with my THUMBS. Letter by letter. It was painful. 


my iPhone died and I lost it all. It was a great post. It was funny. Lots of pictures. AND it's gone. 
Gone. Gone. Gone.

I don't have it in me to retype it yet - but I will - I promise. It was all about Caden and his love for delicious, juicy, Shawarmas. It was good, and someday soon it will live again. Just not now.

SO - until then I have a little gift for you. 

I'm not sure you can handle it....Are you ready? 



And, in case you are somehow missing what makes this pictures so awesome. 
I've blown it up for you!

YES - Davis is twirling his mustache. When we saw this we laughed so hard we cried. It was that good, laughing SO hard no noise is coming out anymore kind of laugh. 

Caden rocks the handlebar mustache too. He was in character...that's for sure. He had to try eating and drinking with his 'stache. He loved it. 

What's cuter than a baby with a mustache?!

A baby meme with Davis and his mustache....

Do you have a good caption for this photo?! Send it my way!

Maybe we aren't as funny as we think we are? Maybe, just maybe, it was our moving-in induced exhaustion that made us think this was the most hilarious thing we had ever seen. If so, oh well. 
We love it. 

I mean we aren't THIS family...

NOPE...That's my sister, her awesome husband, and team of superhero sons. 
From oldest to youngest Mason, Reid, Nolan, and Cash. These boys are ALWAYS. IN. CHARACTER. This is a normal thing around their house. 

Seriously - who can top this? They actually dressed like this on Father's Day to go see the new Superman movie. They are that cool. My sister said that people were stopping them and asking to take pictures with them. I mean, can you get any cooler or more beautiful?!

Oh wait...

Yeah...not even close. Brandon was the Homecoming King - Stephanie was the Prom Queen. Andrew and I - WELL...let's just say that I was President of the National Honor Society, and Andrew was President of the Latin Club. 

Not nearly as cool - but hey. We are ROCKIN' the mustache. 

and That's 'Watts' She Said...

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