
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

OUR VILLA!!! And a sneak peek of rug shopping!!!

Today was an excited day for more reasons than the new car and the new iPhone! We got to visit our Villa and meet our property manager! They have been working on the villa and prepping it for our move in two days! New paint, fixing leaks, cleaning...the usual. 

I brought along my camera and took a few pictures. It's not very big - but it's in the Floating we're paying for

I say, "not very big"...that's relative. It's not very big for Bahrain; BUT it's still 3 bedroom 3.5 bath plus the maids quarters (which is really just a large closet with a toilet and shower). That's where we can put our parents when they visit. (Just kidding...kind of...) when I made that joke to the realtor she said almost EVERY woman says that she is going to put her mother-in-law in the maids quarters I laughed so hard I think I peed my pants. 

So...drum roll please....HERE IT IS!!!!

Oh wait...that's just a cute picture of Davis on our new front porch. 

I couldn't help it - he's so cute. Okay, her it is for real!

This isn't a very exciting picture - I can't get far enough away to take a picture of the front (due to the canal). BUT You can tell that we have a decent porch and yard and trees! This is HUGE for Bahrain

The view from our yard! It's much prettier in person. ALSO - here is PROOF for my mom that there is a fence between the yard and the water! 

Caden on our front porch! He looks thrilled - I know. We can't wait to get some outdoor furniture and a grill...a lot of fun times will be had out here. I can feel it!

View from the kitchen into the living area. Andrew is mainly worried about getting that TV off of the wall so he can move our monster of a TV in. No...I think at this point he was doing the math for how big of a rug we needed to buy. Answer: HUGE. 

THE KITCHEN!!!! I'm trying to figure out the storage situation. We have A LOT of kitchen supplies. Clearly the washer and dryer on the left take up a lot of room. Seriously though, we are so lucky to have an American size washer AND complaining here. (Plus cute Davis on the counter...) It may seem small- but it's the nicest kitchen of the gazillion places we checked out. We are pretty thrilled. AND my first real concern is where my giant fork is going to go! 

From the living room into the kitchen/entry area

My ALL TIME FAVORITE FEATURE!!! The pull-up bar! 

The last tenant was a CrossFitter and had this installed. I took one step outside, saw it and said, "It's a sign. This is OUR house!" I cannot wait to use it. Caden too - he is going to be the pull up king by the time we leave. You can also kind of see the "side yard" behind Caden. There is a storage shed and tons of room. In the Floating City this is even more rare and makes this place a total gem!

Master Bedroom - not very exciting. Behind me are closets and the bathroom. 

Our balcony. Not bad, bot bad at all! We are planning on a table and some chairs...and we'll have a nice little space here. I'm thinking a lounger for tanning. 

AND...Master Caden's room! He is a little excited! Pretty spoiled with his own room and bathroom!

PS: It's a REALLY good thing that we each have our own bathroom. BAHRAIN STINKS! Or rather, WE STINK because this place is hot and gross and sweaty. The other day I was standing in line at the mall and thought, "OMG - someone needs to take a bath, they STINK!" Then I realized the smell was coming from MY OWN CHILD!!!!

One skipped bath and it's DISGUST CITY. I think Caden's skin was raw after the bath I gave him tonight. SO. BAD. 

I don't have pictures of the maid quarters, Davis's room, and some other things. I'll post more once we are moved in and it starts looking like a home. 

2 MORE DAYS!!!! I can't even handle it!


I WAS going to include the Rug Shopping pictures and fun story here - but it's too much to share all at once. I told you we have had a crazy past few days! 

I'll do it tomorrow - that was such a special experience - it deserves it's own post. 
Here's a sneak peek though:


We took home 5. That's right. 5.

and That's 'Watts' She said!


  1. Looks AMAZING. I really want to visit.

  2. Davis is changing so much! More "rounded" than when he was home. Are his eyes changing to blue? He really looks happy--like his big brother! Is the canal salt water? Assume not allowed to swim there; how far away is the pool? The house looks cool--literally; tiles, big windows, water nearby. Is it air conditioned? Assume so; but, what is that thingy on the floor by the door in master-bed? Like the really bright kitchen! I'm onto being lodged in the mails quarters; you'll not kick her out for me! ^_^ So many rugs! How in the world do you decide? Are they from Iran? Use lots of bath powder on the boys. However, they'd still smell sweet regardless. Besides, it probably feels good to them to have nice cool baths maybe even several times a day! Do take care; enjoy; and send more pics of the move-in. "Olive Juice" --S

  3. The canal IS saltwater and YES we can swim in it. We were at our friends house in Floating City and at night her neighbors were just swimming by talking to everyone. We can't wait to go swimming. Of course it's air conditioned. Everywhere in Bahrain is. The thing by the door is to block the AC from escaping from the bottom of the door. Yes, the rugs are from Iran, see the newest blog post for how we decided! I think everyone in Bahrain stinks - so it's lots and lots of showers for all of us.


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