
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Getting to Bahrain

So many people asked, "How was the flight?" I guess enough time has passed for me to relive it enough to write about it. I can only pray that I continue to forget how horrible it was so that when it's time to go back home in October, I may actually get my butt on the plane. was that bad...

This is Davis's face after we got done with our "easy" check in that took us about 2 hours.

Best Buddies....

Davis passed out in the sling...he was an ANGEL on the flight. His big brother was most of the problem. That and how crazy hot it was on the plane between Italy and Spain. I thought I was going go insane.

Still smiling because we just got on the plane. Caden talking to Grammie one last time.

See that little boy sitting in the row behind Andrew. He definitely BLEW CHUNKS
when we got back on the plain after the layover in Italy. His dad was trying to catch it in his hands, it was EVERYWHERE...after about 30 seconds his dad got up and had to walk away to keep from puking himself. I almost lost it just watching.

Poor kid. Poor us...the smell lingered forever.

Somewhere over the Atlantic. Caden was WAY too excited to sleep. Which made the last two legs of the flight unbearable with him. Love our Caden...but between Italy and Spain I would have gladly pawned him off on someone else. (Just kidding...kind of).

Oh...and see sweet Davis sleeping. He was a GEM. Slept and ate the whole way through. Lord knows traveling with him is only going to get worse from here on out.

Sweaty and exhausted, but we made it. Now please let us forget about the misery of that flight so we may be able to make it home again.

The End....please note. If you plan to visit us, do yourself a favor.

Spend the money for a better/faster flight.

Dear Rotator: You may be free - but you are not easy or enjoyable. I have a love/hate relationship with you.

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