
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Just keep swimming....

I feel like Dori on Finding Nemo right now. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I just have to keep pushing forward.

Truth be told...I'm so over it.

This is probably why we weren't fully unpacked in our Maryland house until my nesting phase kicked in. It took us 2 years to hang everything and put everything in its place...then we had to take it down a month later to move. How awesome is that?!?

I'm still without Internet, so here is another picture filled post brought to you by my thbs. ( and THIS is why it's short...I can't even type 'thumbs') and its way too hard to up back and correct it. So you're welcome.

I can't wait to get our Internet up...I have so many stories to tell from the move, but for now this is all you get!

We went patio furniture and storage shelf shopping (my biggest shit show yet)...and C begged and pleaded for this 'perfect relaxing spot' - at least he was entertained while I shopped.

I would also like to take a brief moment to thank my dad for giving me his horrible sense of direction. It took me no less than an hour to finally figure out how to get to the home store with the patio furniture. 110 degree weather, fussy baby that just had immunizations...sweaty hungry mom...and a 5 year old that can't hold still for the life of him. Not my best day.

Let's not forget the fact that I had dressed to do unpacking all day, capri workout pants, and a tank top. I hadn't really planned to run these errands and walk through two malls to find the freaking shelves I needed. In the States it would have been no big deal. But here...I WAS PRACTICALLY NAKED! (In the States I would have only had to go to Target to get everything I needed...but let's not go there...)

I got some very strange looks. I guess I could have put on a workout jacket I had brought...but are you kidding me? I was sweating in places you don't want to sweat. 

I've since decided that my favorite new term...HANGRY, which means hungry and angry is also applicable to HOT and ANGRY. 

I was all kinds of HANGRY by the end of this day. Which pretty much means I sat in the furniture section of the home store and cried. 

This is after walking through the base, through two malls, and the freaking crazy Car Park (Bahraini for 'Parking Garage') where you are lucky to find a spot and blessed to do so without getting run over!. In the midst of this my phone died, so I bought a car charger, made our way back to the car, and found my way out...

Well...once it was charged I called Andrew...and WHERE was he?!? Waiting for me IN the mall. I was already back on the freeway, so I had to turn around and do it all again. We. Were. A. Mess.

I cried after I made it to where he was. Of course, my loving husband asks what is wrong and all I could do was look at him and try not to hurt him. Tears running down my face, sweat running down my ass, people staring at me like I was a naked freak show. Like I said NOT MY FINEST HOUR.

But on the bright side, I found everything we needed! I also happen to LOVE putting together furniture.

So after the boys ( Andrew included) where in bed I had some serious fun.


Take that my furniture assembling challenged friends!!!


Patio Furniture! Though the delivery guy put it on the lawn...after I repeatedly asked for it in the patio. I guess you could say there was a language barrier. It's on the patio now. Thanks to Moman, our yard boy. More on awesome Moman later.

The house is coming together...even though I'm losing my mind in the process. 

The most beautiful part of the past few days is that I was seriously about to just crumble...then I got two surprise care packages from back home! One from my mom with stuff for the boys, some stuff A and I ordered from Amazon that they wouldn't deliver to an FPO address, and a belated birthday present from my Grandma!

Then I opened this lovely care package from my doula, Stacy, and two dear friends I met in pre-natal yoga, Katie and Christine. 

You know how sometimes you meet people that you know you will treasure forever? That's how these ladies are. They are amazing and such wonderful caring women, and  awesome mamas now too! I love them and am so touched by their sweet gifts.

It was amazing how these little things lifted my spirits. It is such a comfort to be reminded that No matter where I am, or how hard it is being away from everyoneand  in a foreign country, I am loved back home.

I WILL survive this move in. I WILL.

Oh and just so you know what I mean when I say it's HOT...

And it's not even the hottest time of the year yet!!!! When 88 is your LOW, you know it's hot. ALL. THE. TIME. 

You would have sweat running down your butt too, so no judgement allowed!

And That's 'Watts' She Said...


  1. I loved this so much! It just sounds so much Butt sweat and all. Hangry is my new favorite word and your furniture-putting together-skills are insane and always come in handy. Miss you! Love, Mary

  2. Caden looks more grown-up every time I see a photo of him! Wow. Don't try to do everything at once--pace yourself, it'll get done eventually, and always in time. Too hot to stress, and remember, "If mama's stressed, everyone's stressed." Love the table--now you'll have to repack it and ship it back to the stats! ^_^ Do you get a breeze off the water when you sit on the porch/patio? Hugs--to ALL. Love, Sara


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