
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Our First Night!!!! 3 of unpacking and I feel like we are moving one step forward, two steps back. This whole unpacking with a baby majorly sucks. I don't recommend it. At all. At least we are unpacked enough to officially move in today!

Davis is proving to be pretty moody and hmmm...lets just say 'difficult' these past few days. So essentially one if us entertains the little one while the other unpacks. 

It's taking FOR-EV-ER....

Plus like I mentioned before we have way way way too much stuff. Though we are probably 75%'s this last 25 that's going to be the hardest. husband is I say he has two speeds. Slow and slower. No need to elaborate more on that...

Now it's the things like, hanging pictures, decorating, and getting the right shelves/bins/ etc to be able to put stuff away. 

I love our villa..but storage space is NOT its strongest asset. 

I'm exhausted and sore, and our Internet isn't working yet, so I'm keeping this post short and sweet since I'm typing it out with my thumbs. 

So here is our life in pictures right now...

 I know, I know...this does NOT look like unpacking. We had to take a little break and celebrate My awesome Australian friends birthday and I treated myself to this. Nutella and banana crepe with vanilla gelato. It was HEAVEN. And I am not allowed to get another one until next year!

My name is Kristina, and not only do I pee my pants when I workout, but I used to be addicted to MAC makeup. I've been carrying this around since high school...and I'm finally letting it go. Downsizing people!!!

D hanging out like a boss. One of his few nice moments. Is it me, or are his arms freakishly long?!

I loved the ladies that packed up our house....and I love them even more after seeing what one of them wrote on these boxes of Caden's books. 

We took a little break to wear some mustaches around the house. Why? Well, thats just how we roll. Awesome family mustache picture to come later!

Caden took his very first dip in the canal. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE this place? Just walk out the door and hop on in! See the life jacket mom? Don't worry.

The previous tenant, another Navy guy, rigged up this outdoor shower. It's super handy. 

And now we are ready for our FIRST NIGHT in our new home!!! 


and That's 'Watts' She Said...

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