
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

One Year Ago Today... year ago today I gave Andrew the biggest shock of his life when I told him that little man Davis was on his way. SO MUCH has changed in the past year, and despite the craziness that is our life right now - I couldn't be happier. 

I guess it's tradition now and June 11th can't be a forgettable day around here. First Andrew nearly died tonight. That sounds like an exaggeration, right? I swear, he nearly died. I was THIS close to calling 911 - or whatever the equivalent of that is here. I should probably figure that out. 

Side Note:  This wouldn't be the first time I almost called 911, two winters ago he decided to put Christmas lights on the house for me and Caden (it just wasn't the same to us without them - he was anti Christmas lights...we won). One small detail...he is afraid of heights. That's right, my helicopter pilot husband is AFRAID OF HEIGHTS. So...getting on the roof was a disaster, but he did it. Getting that's something else;  he was freaking out. Shaking, ghost white, sick to his stomach, couldn't move, I could go on and on. I was yelling at him to just 'DO WHAT I SAY...YOU WILL MAKE IT DOWN!!!' I felt like a hero talking him through it - straight out of a movie - I have NO IDEA what the neighbors though! I had the phone in my hand, ready to call 911 to get him off of the roof...much like getting a scared kitten out of a tree. Poor baby. After A LOT of coaching and threats by me, he made his way on to the ladder. I'll never forget that day! (Needless to say, we didn't get Christmas lights this year...I'm pretty sure that was the first and last time.)

Anyways, back to how he almost died tonight. We were sitting down to eat some delicious stir fry, he takes a sip of water. The next thing I know; his hand is clamped over his mouth and he looks at me with panic in his eyes as he starts coughing, dry heaving, and spitting up water. At first I thought he just choked a little...then there was about 20 seconds of him hunched over and trying to breathe and not really being able to. I was totally in position to give him the Heimlich. I've never heard someone work so hard to try to breathe. I said, "Do I need to call 911...can you breathe?" he showed me with his hands that he could get a little I waited a few more seconds. Again...I was totally ready to call 911. He lived though. It was scary - maybe it doesn't sound that scary, but it was scary. 

He's not allowed to drink water anymore.

So...after that shit show of a dinner Mr. Davis gave us the best shit show yet! He actually gave it to Daddy. I think it was Andrew's punishment for almost dying tonight. I was doing the dishes and all I could hear was Andrew yell, "Kristina....." in a shaky, 'Oh My Gosh, I need you right now" voice. You know the voice. It always precedes something really, really bad.

I ran to the bedroom and saw this:

Yes, it is all over Andrew's hands...and the changing pad, and the onesie, and Davis's legs...and his feet...and pretty much everywhere EXCEPT the diaper. 

My reaction...obviously to laugh and grab my camera. Andrew always gets the good ones. Davis knows when to dish it out. I love that boy. 

I love how D looks so innocent...and really quite proud of himself! Who me? 

Somehow in the process he even got it on his arms, and just kept spreading! D got another bath tonight. It was necessary. Oh..and one more thing...I HATE formula poo - it's so much worse than the innocent breastmilk poo. Seriously, I was gagging from it. Tonight was SO our night.

It's these moments that make me SO thankful for when Andrew is around. 

(Though really, I think I could have handled this situation so much better...does D really make that big of a mess or does Andrew spread it around in his attempts to figure out what to do? I had that boy cleaned in no time! Maybe Andrew is really to blame here.)

In summary, thank you Davis. Thank you for your surprise one year ago, and your big surprise tonight; life would be so dull without you. 

That's as good as it gets from Bahrain today. OH...and our lease is set to sign on the 19th!! Household goods have arrived from the states (ahead of time, thank you God) and will be moved in on the 20th!!! 

9 more days people!!!

9 more days and I will be set free of this hotel room!

and That's 'Watts' She Said....

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