
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Mommy, there's a bird in our room!

That's how Caden woke me up this morning. This is how it happened...

Caden: Mommy, there's a bird in our room.

Me: (in a sleepy haze) No, there isn't, you are just imagining it.

Caden: No really Mommy, THERE IS A BIRD IN OUR ROOM! I saw it!

Me: Caden, stop fibbing and get back in bed. (Note: C is in a phase of telling tale tales. Like, Mommy there's a lion on your head. No really there is!")

Caden: I'm not lying! Where's your phone?

Me: No playing on my phone right now.

Caden: I'm going to take a picture and show you mommy!

Me: Go for it. (At this point I started thinking that he might be telling the truth.)

Caden: runs back into the bedroom and shows me this...(see the little dark thing on the top of the cupboard?)


Caden: I told you so Mommy.

Perfect example of 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf'. We've been telling this story to C lately, maybe now he will get it. I totally didn't believe him.

What happened next was quite a shit show. I walked out to the living area to see the bird for myself and I FREAKED it out. He started flying all around like crazy, bumping into things, trying to find an escape. I felt so bad for the bird, but at the same time, he was getting dirty bird germs all over the baby's stuff and our place! I was sure he was going to peck me to death at this point.

I placed a crazed call to housekeeping that sounded like this:

Me: Ummm, hi, there's a BIRD in our room! (followed by a screech as it whizzed past my head)

Lady on the other end: I'm sorry madam, did you say a bird?


Lady on the other end:  How did a bird get into your room madam?

Me: I have NO idea (and other yell as the bird almost takes out my leg)

Lady on the other end:  I will call housekeeping madam.

As we waiting I barricaded the boys and I in our bedroom to keep us safe from the crazy bird. I kept imagining him poking one of our eyes out....or pooping on us. Bad bad things were going through my head.

First two staff, that I've never met before, came into the room and just kind of stared at the bird like they had never seen a bird before in their life. They waved their arms in the air (like that was going to catch him) and kept asking me, "Where did the bird come from?!" I DON'T KNOW!!!

Then Ali, our 'Room Boy' SAVED THE DAY!!! I love this guy, he cleans our room every day, is super sweet, always stops to coo at Davis, and has the cutest dimples. He came in to see what was going on and after chasing the bird into bathroom he caught it with his bare hands. My HERO! I don't want to know how he managed it (I was still protecting the boys from the bird in the bedroom. Yes, I was scared, don't judge)

Then - the best part of all - he came back and cleaned our room spotless to get rid of the bird germs and the huge pile of poop he left in the bathroom.

Yes...the bird was pretty tiny - but by the time help arrived I imagined a full sized eagle flying around...

and That's 'Watts' She Said...

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Caden. Taking a picture for mom was a great idea. Proof that using smart phones, IPads and anything that requires two nimble thumbs comes natural to young kids.

    These young grandkids and digital technology reminds me of a story your Mom told me the other day. She was spending the weekend with the grand kids at a hotel when Reid pointed at a telephone "a handset phone with buttons for room service and such" and said "Whats that"

    Miss you guy's


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