
Monday, June 10, 2013

Things I Love Right Now

To shake things up a bit...I would like to share with you all...


I know you are dying to know, because I am SO interesting. Apparently I'm funny too. I've never been told I'm funny before, and really I'm not. But, I guess I can blog funny. Andrew rolls his eyes when I say I'm funny. As he points out,

"Kristina, if you can remember the times you were funny...then you're not funny"

Good point. I think I'm funny, I crack myself up a lot. Usually it's over Laffy Taffy type jokes. But I'll show him...

We had a great funny moment tonight. Tonight was one of those nights were I thought, "I'm rocking this mommy thing!" (I rarely have these moments.) I had worked out, the family had a healthy dinner, I was doing the dishes, Caden was in the bath before 9PM...I was on a roll. THEN Caden asked me to turn on his 'Zoomy Penguin' bath toy. This is where it all went downhill.

Well, I turned it the wrong way and when I dropped it in the bathtub it fell apart and the batteries came out, and it got wet were it isn't supposed to get wet, and I'm pretty sure I ruined it. (Don't tell C)

Caden just looked down at the penguin, shook his head, and solemnly said,

"Geez - you're a mess..."

It was like he was just stating a fact - just resigned to accepting that his mommy is a total mess. 

Thanks for the confidence buddy. He speaks the truth though. I'm a mess. Embrace it. Accept it. you go...

Things I Love Right Now

1. The Finland Baby Box!!! This is so cool! Did you know that in Finland when a woman becomes pregnant she is given a box full of baby essentials? Not just little things either. Clothes, cloth diapers, a mattress and sheets so that the box itself can double as a baby bed, the list goes on and on. Check out this article. Why can't the US support their pregnant mamas like this? Someday if I ever start a nonprofit, this just might be it!

2. These awesome night lights. We are definitely going to order these for the boys. This totally beats the crappy ones we got at Lowes. You can find them here:

3. 35 Things Military Spouses NEVER Say!  I laughed so hard I cried. Special shout out to my personal favorites:  #27. "I feel bad because we get paid so much!" #24. "I feel so bad that your husband doesn't get off work until 5:30. Every. Single. Day." 18. "I understand everything my servicemember says." #14. "I think honeymoons should only be taken for your 20th anniversary" ( honeymoon over here yet.) 

4. The PopSugar Must Have Box! Seriously, I am so far removed from pop culture and trends here. I'm not the trendiest mama out there. How can I be when I pretty much stick to workout clothes? A friend of mine posted a picture of her May Must Have Box...and I fell IN LOVE. Basically for $35 monthly subscription you are sent a box from PopSugar with hand selected "Must Have" items for beauty, fashion, home, fitness, and food. Of course, with my luck, they don't ship to APO addresses. So I'm going to get around that little problem by having it sent to my parents house and then having them send it to me. I'm SO excited! Here is what was in the May Must Have Box!

I would post more things I love, but my baby is waking up, and I should probably stop neglecting him to blog. Plus, crap, I just realized we have to be on base in 30 minutes and I'm still in my pajamas and Caden is asleep too. Crap. #imamess (is that how those hashtag things work? - see...I'm so behind)

and That's 'Watts' She Said...

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