
Monday, June 17, 2013

My Name is Kristina and I Pee During Workouts....

If you don't want to read about pee - or me peeing my pants - just don't read this post. 
You're welcome.
(But seriously, who doesn't want to read about me peeing my pants? It's humbling and it's embarrassing, but I don't really care)

That's right. It happened again...and then again...and then again. I'm starting to think this is just going to be the norm from here on out. 

Those damn double-unders. They get me. EVERY. TIME.
(for my non CrossFit friends; double-under: while jumping rope you jump a little higher, move your wrists a lot faster and the rope goes under your feet two times before you land again. It's seriously hard...until you hit your rhythm. The pros make it look easy - it's not.)

This whole problem started after sweet baby Davis was born. I had never really had this problem before (okay, maybe a LITTLE bit when I was 8 months preggo and doing double-unders) but NEVER to this extent. Poor Andrew was witness to the first peeing-my-pants during a WOD episode. D was 3 weeks old, and I had been cleared for light workout. Andrew came with me to the Box (again non CF friends - that's code for CrossFit gym - I know we are special and annoying, we have all kinds of secret lingo) and held D while I worked out. Well - double-unders were in the warm up, so I picked up the rope and jumped. 

That. Was. A. Mistake.

One double under attempt was all it took, and the pee FLOODED everywhere. Not just a little - a LOT! After I was done with the warm up (yes I continued in my pee soaked pants...I was on a roll. Don't judge.) I walked over to Andrew and said, "Ummm...I just peed my pants." He said, "Really?" and I said - "Just look down" and in my black workout pants was a HUGE wet spot. Not like softball size - but like huge inflated balloon size. There was ZERO control. (and yes...I finished the whole workout like that)

I was hoping this problem would go away - but it still hasn't and we are four months down the road. So - not only is my body all kinds of out-of-whack from birthing sweet D, and I'm exhausted, and a little stressed, but now I need to add "pees my pants" to my resume.

I thought I was alone in this...until I stumbled upon this AWESOME video from the CrossFit Games Facebook page!

Watch it - it's great! Most importantly...


And according to The Games Competitors...I am just going at it harder than those that aren't peeing their pants! SO take that. 

If you aren't peeing your pants, you're not doing it right. 

SO - what's the solution? Because, though it's kind of cool that I'm so hardcore that I pee my pants (really though, I'm not that hardcore - I'm just going with that theory instead of the 'week bladder from having a baby 4 months ago' theory) it's not okay to smell like pee wherever I go. 

My short term fix is to properly dress for my WODS (AGAIN non-CF friends WOD: workout of the day). AKA - I have to pretty much wear Depends. I feel like a Grandma. A Grandma doing burpees and double-unders. No offense Grandmas. 

As my sweet husband covertly puts it, "Kristina are you DRESSED (raises eyebrow) for today's WOD?"

I think he is sick of the pee, or me complaining about the pee, though he would never admit it. 
He loves me so much. 

So, I'm out of the closet.. I'm starting a support group for all of my weakened bladder friends. Do you pee when you workout? Join me.

My name is Kristina and I pee during workouts. 

and That's 'Watts' She Said...

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