
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Moving Part 1: 264 Boxes...CHECK!

That's right. We had 264 boxes. TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY FOUR!!!

The total weight of our shipment: 8,200 POUNDS

Seriously, who needs 8,200 pounds worth of stuff? Apparently, we do. Actually, no WE DON'T. We are downsizing. Big Time.

I feel like my mind is going to explode - and my body is going to collapse. Moving just may be the best workout I've had in weeks. 

I was so excited last night I think I only slept for 3 hours. About 30 minutes into the move all I wanted to do was crawl back in bed, this is A LOT of work and not nearly as fun as I was anticipating it to be. Now I remember why I dread moving. 

I spent the morning looking at our packing inventory and checking off EACH and EVERY box as it came through the door. From #1 to #264. 

I'm happy to report that everything arrived! (Except for Andrew's toy remote control helicopter and his ceremonial sword - those are being held in customs. Did you know that remote control helicopters are banned from Bahrain?! We didn't either. Poor Andrew, he lost his toy. He will be able to go pick up his sword though - so that's good. Oh man...boys and their toys...). So far there are only a handful of casualties...

1. Glass in a picture frame is broken
2. Another picture frame/key hanger/entry way thingy is broken. A hook broke off.
3. Broken vase
4. Oh, and the SADDEST casualty for me - my dried wedding bouquet. It went from round - to square.

It used to be round and beautiful. Why is it my wedding bouquet is the ONE thing they didn't pack with ridiculous care?! The ugly Navy mirror made it, but not my bouquet? Just my luck.

This is the one thing that I think they packed horribly. It was shoved under a table with some blankets and then the entire table was wrapped up. 

Meanwhile...take a look at the precious packing job below. 

Hmmm...I wonder what can be in the paper - it feels so light. I'm glad they packed it so well...

WAIT...Is that what I think it is?!?

WAIT...WHAT?!?! Two tiny magnets?! All that wrapping for two tiny magnets?!?!

And they just shoved my wedding bouquet under a table with some random linens from the linen closet?!

We mourned the loss. All three of us (Andrew, Caden, Me) just looked at it sadly for a while. I think Caden almost cried. He loves all things related to the wedding. 

So, my beautiful wedding bouquet is no more...

I'll just have to print this picture really big and remember its glory days.
Photo By JKOE Photo

Caden loved being at the new house - he just can't wait to feed the tiny fish that swim in the canal. 

I'm sure this is the first of MANY times that he will be enjoying lunch on the porch. 

Davis fared pretty well. He even slept through a lot of it...

The louder it was the harder he slept. MAGIC! 

What a trooper!

All in all, it was a good day. I'm learning a lot for my first official PCS move. 

Here they are in no particular order:

1. WE HAVE WAY TOO MUCH STUFF. I'm serious about downsizing. We got rid of a lot today. My plan is to keep weeding it out. 8,200 pound?!?! That's insane. 
2. We have more kitchen supplies than anything else. 32 boxes worth. It was never ending. 
3. We have like 15 flower vases. WHY?! I have NO IDEA. My husband better start buying me flowers to fill them or they are going away. 
4. If you have great movers on the US side they can help you package your alcohol so that customs doesn't take it. We were shocked to see that it all came through. No toy helicopters...but hey, enjoy your Vodka!
5. It takes 8 HOURS to get most of our kitchen supplies to fit in our kitchen. We had to take a few boxes worth out since they just cannot feasibly fit. I doubt we'll miss them. 
6. There is SO MUCH waste in the moving business. I hated seeing I'm just going to pretend that they are definitely going to recycle and reuse everything. 
7. 15 people working on your house at one time is too many (7 movers, 4 cleaners, 2 air conditioning guys, 1 painter, 1 water guy)
8. Coconut oil is probably always going to be in its liquid state in Bahrain...this cracked me up!
9. (I learned this one when we got here, but it became annoying today) In Bahrain what we call the "First Floor" is their "Ground Floor" and what we call the "Second Floor" is their "First Floor". With a 4 story villa we ended up with a lot of stuff on the wrong floor. I guess we will have to do some heavy lifting ourselves. Darn.
10. Pizza and cold water and soda go a LONG way with the movers and a bottle of Whiskey goes A LONG way with your new property manager. Shh....

Well...we were at the villa for 14 hours today. I feel like we have hardly made a dent. I mean, all we finished was the kitchen. Obviously the most important room in the house, and I'm sure this will be the hardest room too- but wow. So much work and not so much to show for it. 

Except for this: doors on the cabinet. I'm going with it. As far as I'm concerned this extra shelving is a blessing, we would be so screwed without it. 

It's starting to feel like home...

There isn't an inch of spare drawer or cabinet space. It is FILLED to the brim. (Haha, TWSS!)

AND...I'm calling it the night. Another LONG day of unpacking tomorrow. 

and That's 'Watts' She Said...

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