
Monday, June 10, 2013

"Mommy - it's just not the same without rain"

These are Caden's deep thoughts for today. I asked him what we can do to make it better...

Caden:  "Maybe we should hire someone to go on top of the roof of our house and sprinkle water down with a watering can."

Me:  "Who's going to want to do that?"

Caden:  "You live with him every day...ANDREW..."

Me: "Well who is going to go to work then and earn money for our family?"

Caden: "I will, but I won't earn it, I will just get it for you." (at this point I'm thinking...please don't say 'rob a bank' please don't say 'rob a bank')

Me: "How?"

Caden: "I'll just use my birthday money. Remember how much money was in my piggy bank? That's all we need." ( bank robbing involved). 

Gotta love the logic of a 5 year old. If only it were so simple. 

I on the other hand, don't miss the rain at all. Especially since I just found out I am severely Vitamin D deficient. 

I was kind of shocked to hear this news from the doctor. I said, "Really? What does that mean?" Her response, "Have you lost your baby weight yet?" Me: "No" Her: "This could be why." 

So, I'm going to go with that. Damn you Vitamin D - you suck! It's all your fault. It has NOTHING to do with the pack of Oreos we ate last week (I say we, but really I'm pretty sure I had most of them. Those things are sneaky. It's just one Oreo at a time...them BAM the pack is empty! I asked Caden how many he ate...he said 3...oh shit...I have a problem.) 

And I'm sure the Dairy Queen delivery service has nothing to do with it either. That's right...Dairy Queen DELIVERS here. Pretty much every place delivers, but I'm most fascinated with this. We ordered Blizzards for dessert last week. It was amazing. What's better than a DQ Blizzard? A DQ Blizzard that's delivered to your front door. Guess what flavor I had...Oreo...yep I have a problem. This is not helping the case of my thighs rubbing together or my muffin top. AT ALL. Lovely visual, I're welcome.

No, seriously -- they say in Bahrain you will either leave weighing 400 pounds or lifting 400 pounds. I'm determined to be on the lifting side. I may have splurged here and there, but we've been phasing back to our clean eating and hitting the gym. I even went at 6AM this morning and am going again tonight. Sounds fun huh? I'm still in the "This sucks" phase...a few more weeks and I'll be on that nutritional and workout - "Why doesn't everyone just eat clean and workout all the time? This feels amazing" high. I can't wait. Until then, I better stay clear of the Oreo aisle. I might accidentally buy some. For Caden, of course. Oh, I have a new favorite pharse...HANGRY (hungry and angry) this sums me up right now. 

I'm hangry.

On another note - Ali - my favorite 'Room Boy' brought me these flowers yesterday. I asked him what they were for and he told me that I'm his favorite guest. I love him. He also told me today that from here on out he's going to sneak me bottled water. He noticed that we buy it in town and though he isn't supposed to, he will leave me water every day. He also double checked and told me, "Do not drink this water madam." referring to the tap water. Don't worry buddy - you couldn't pay me to. I love Ali, I want to take him with us.  Maybe he can sneak me Oreos too.

Our room is so much better with these...

and That's 'Watts' She Said...

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